I’m Kristin Carey. Proud owner and trainer of Hippophile Farm on Madeline Island. I teach, transform and inspire through building the relationship with the horse and rider. We have a wonderful environment to succeed and meet your goals.
A Passionate Equestrian
My experience working with young horses through advanced, experienced horses allows me to understand horses as they learn. I believe in giving young horses a very good start and they become confident in themselves.
My Expertise
I have owned horses for decades, and have trained and competed in Dressage, Hunters and Jumpers. I attribute my success to classical Dressage principles. I carry that knowledge into both training and instruction and focus on not only correct rider position and biomechanics, but also on creating a happy willing horse who enjoys their training. I don’t exist as a single thing in the horse industry. I am not just “dressage” or “hunter”. I am a horse(wo)man.
I’ve been educated by wise and masterful horsemen: Cyril Pittion Rossillon & Lynn Palm, Kate Phillips USDF dressage judge, clinician and trainer, and recently Karen Rohlf. I’ve also had the opportunity to clinic with Paul Belasik, Kip Rosenthal, and Parelli instructor Jesse Peters. l am grateful for people along the way who have shaped what I have become. I look at the “big picture” of training horses, not just the show ring picture as it relates to training.
My Mission
My mission is to pass on well-founded principles of horsemanship through methods of dressage and groundwork. No matter what my students’ goals may be, or riding discipline, we finesse the strategy and tools with confidence. It’s not always about the blue ribbons at Hippophile Farm, we’re about enjoying our life with horses!
My students should feel empowered and excited about learning. I love seeing the light bulb moments! I have wonderful lesson horses and taught both kids and adults – from age 7 to 70. Horses are a passion we can enjoy our entire lives. You’re never too old to try!
By sharing my experience through instructing students and training horses, I hope to help make the world a better place, especially for our equine friends. Horses have been my best teachers, and through them, I learned the art of patience.

Testimonials from Students & Training Clients
The Hippophile facility is colorful, welcoming, and well-maintained; the farm shows well, the barn is orderly, and it’s a pleasure to be there. The horses are relaxed, alert and demonstrate contentedness in their activities and surroundings. The barn is well equipped and operated on an honored schedule of daily chores and activities. There is order and routine which accommodates the logical flow of equine operations. The horses are well trained and have ongoing work programs, which is evident from observation.
I began riding lessons in May 2017, and with almost no equine experience, felt slightly intimidated with the scene. I soon recognized my preconceived ideas of horses, the psychology of learning, and riding would require a reset! My initial goals were simple – to become comfortable in a barn environment, tack and groom without hesitation, learn to establish communication with a trained horse, and overtime, develop an ongoing and positive riding relationship with a horse, satisfying to both parties … and depart each lesson with a smile!
I learned how to interact with horses (it’s their world in the ring) and proper behavior for barn work – etiquette, if you will, which encourages and promotes professionalism, even among newbies like me. I’ve gained a healthy respect for the stable, horses, tack and other equipment, natural equine behavior, and most important, the knowledge and experience of the owner/trainer. Kris has nearly thirty years’ experience as equine owner, student, trainer, competitor and judge; she has worked with multiple horses of varying age and experience, skill, and temperament. She is always situationally aware, knows a horse’s limits; I have always felt confident and safe under her instruction.
Kris laid the foundation for a positive experience from the start: matching the rider to the horse, setting the rider’s expectations, tailoring instruction to the student’s strengths, weaknesses and fitness, and after a time, building a teaching plan. Repetition and consistent practice helps me build a sturdy foundation of basic skills. The horse’s response (or lack of desired response) is the best feedback for correcting aides, and Kris emphasizes recognizing the subtleties of the horse’s behavior and how I can correct my actions to get the desired response.
Kris put forth the most realistic and helpful perspective, after observing me in the barn and on the horse: learning is a long term process; there is a natural ebb and flow of gains and losses, but over time, with steady and effective practice, muscle and biomechanical memory will take shape, and correct posture, balance and body position will become second nature. I have experienced this truth, and it keeps me positive and hopeful. We have ongoing dialogue about progress, errors, successes and goals. Kris partners with me and the horse; she is very patient with me and lets the learning process take its natural course. And every lesson ends on a positive note for all involved.
The end game for me: A well-trained rider, working on a well-trained horse and instructed by a well-trained trainer – every lesson brings me closer, with the efforts of Kris Carey and her Hippophile Farm! For those of us who do not own or lease a horse, working with Kris at her facility, has been a dream come true. I am grateful for the opportunity to work with Kris and look forward to future lessons, and to further skill development.
~ Sue Korleski, Current Student
I’ve been riding for about six years, taking up the sport as it seemed a great way to stay active in retirement, with the added bonus of a partnership with a big intelligent animal. Starting out in a barrel racing barn, I soon developed an appreciation for the grace and dignity of dressage and started really focusing on it three or four years ago. I currently own two horses that move with me from my winter home near New Orleans to my summer place in Bayfield, Wisconsin.
Good training barns are hard to find anywhere and northern Wisconsin is no exception. So it was a real delight to find Hippophile Farm and Kris Carey on, of all places, beautiful Madeline Island. I’ve just completed my third summer boarding and training there and could not be happier.
The farm itself is cozy and charming, and, to me, just the right size for very personal attention. Kris is an excellent instructor and does a terrific job of assessing strengths and weaknesses of both horse and rider, with a very intense awareness of how the horse is doing, both physically and emotionally. My riding skills have definitely grown under her instruction, but, even more important, so has my confidence and appreciation of the sport. As a wise person once said “death is easy, dressage is hard.”. That may be, but working with Kris makes it really fun.
To a mainlander it may seem somewhat inconvenient to take the island ferry each time you go to ride. To me, it’s a pleasant part of my day in one of the most beautiful places on Earth. It’s part of what makes Hippophile Farm so unique.
So I’m more than happy to enthusiastically recommend Kris and her farm to anyone wanting to improve their riding skills or take up the sport. I’ve had experience with 5 different training barns during my short riding career; there are none I’ve liked better than Hippophile Farm. Check it out!
Tim, Former Student and Training Client
Hippophile Farm has been a godsend for me and my horses. I grew up riding but had to give it up when I left for college. Fifteen years later, I decided I wanted to get back into riding so I adopted a horse from a rescue organization and began to board at Hippophile Farm during the summer and fall months. Right away it was obvious to me that Kris Carey is a knowledgeable and experienced horsewoman who takes much pride in keeping a clean and organized riding facility. It is a relief to know he is in such good hands when I am gone so I never have to worry about how he is doing or whether he is receiving quality care.
~ Shannon Murphy
"I want to tell you how grateful I am for the experience of a whole month of riding lessons with you. Thank you for all your excellent instruction, your encouragement and you believing in me. You saying I am now a new, better rider has meant so much to me. I am happy the change is visible! What you don't see is how I have changed on the inside, including my confidence and joy in riding. I am most grateful to you.
The high-quality of your instruction, your incredible facilities, amazing horses and unlikely setting on magical Madeline Island are all at the highest level. In keeping with extraordinary combination, I have chosen to be your first client at the higher (more appropriate) fee level. Actually, what you offer is beyond pricing, but we have to start somewhere!
I am thinking of you as my Master Dressage teacher going forward. I will keep in touch and will certainly be returning for more riding lessons in the future. It has been a privilege and delight to ride with you and be at Hippophile Farm."
~ Jo Beth